Wednesday, February 27, 2008

NIH Post-doc Life


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Would you consider allowing me to use some of the cartoons on my website with a link back. Thanks

Alexander Dent said...

You are welcome to use the cartoons and to link here. I'm not planning on putting links to other sites here, currently.

Singh said...

Thank you so much. I will acknowledge the site with a link back.

Anonymous said...

thank you for posting these!!!

Anonymous said...

I also would like to get permission to use one of your cartoons. I will make sure to include a link back to your site.

Alexander Dent said...

Please feel free to distribute these cartoons, as long as they are credited appropriately, and a link back here is appreciated!!!

Vivek said...

Joe, I liked your ideas. just awesome

Unknown said...

nice art how can you make it i wnat more like this tom and jerry band songs